Video is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to marketing. Wether you're trying to increase sales, traffic or want to build a relationship with your customers, video can help you with that.


In today’s world, videos have become an essential part in most communications campaigns. It’s a content form that cannot be ignored. YouTube has over two billion users worldwide – almost half of all people on the internet. Along with TV, facebook, Netflix, video streaming applications. Every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours of videos, and generate billions of views.

Videos, perhaps more than any other content form, are all about storytelling. Do you remember the best stories told over the dinner table? Those with interesting characters, memorable plots, and told in an engaging manner that would make you listen. Videos, through a combination of interesting profiles, words, images, ambient sound and music, have the power to convey stories in an emotional manner that makes people remember the story.

Video is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to marketing, product and brand positioning. Wether you're trying to increase sales, traffic or want to build a relationship with your customers. Video is vital to the growth of your business. If you're not incorporating a video marketing strategy, you are going to lose out.

Some facts about Video Marketing:

Check out these mind-boggling stats showing the proven power of using video to increase brand awareness and kick your marketing efforts into overdrive.

  • Videos attach 300% more traffic and help to nurture leads.
  • A website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video.
  • Including a video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by up to 80%.
  • Nearly 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.
  • Video increases organic search traffic on a website by 157%.
  • 25% of companies publish videos every week.
  • 85% of consumers want to see more video content from brands.
  • 65% of executives have gone to the marketer’s site and 39% have called them on the phone after watching a marketing video.
  • 97% of marketers say video has helped users gain a better understanding of their products and services.
  • 52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI.
  • Adding video to your emails can increase click rates by 300%.
  • 50% of viewers aged 18-34 said they would stop what they were doing to watch a video from their favorite creator.
  • On average, people spend 2.6x more time on pages with video than without.
  • 64% of consumers will make a purchase after watching branded videos on social platforms.
  • Video is expected to make up 82% of internet traffic by 2021.
  • Youtube has over five billion views every day

With that said, here are my top 10 reasons why you should focus on Video Marketing:

1. Video connects people with your Business, Brand or Service

Video Marketing allows you to build a relationship with your audience by providing them with experiences that are tailored to them. This way you can stand out from the crowd, giving consumers a reason to purchase from you and addressing their requirements and pain points. With a good personalized video you are able to provide highly targeted solutions to the consumer’s need and you can effectivly save them time when it comes to searching solutions for their problems and to make a purchase decision. You’re also more likely to be memorabled by the consumer, which is super important because most of them are buying by businesses and searches which they recognize and provide relevant offers and recommendations. You can also turn a customer into a fan and follower who are mostly determined to support you.

2. Video is one of the most effective ways to a tell story

Video is driven by story, that’s quite obvious. Also your product should tell a story, probably your heard of the saying A good product without a good story is like a good engine without a steering wheel”. It’s said that video is the consumer’s favorite content medium, so why not use it? Consumers want you to show them, not to tell them what your business is about. Moat people rather watch a video than strain their brain cells to read those pretty words about your brand offering. If you connect like said before with the consumers heart the chance is so much higher that they will purchase your product. Written words are nice, but high-quality videos with good visuals and background music convey the message explicitly.

3. Video spreads awareness

There are a lot of videos, which went viral and got so many views, that nearly everybody recognizes and remembers their brand. A single viral video may be all your business needs to boost brand engagement. A classic case study is the Dollar Shave Club which grew into a billion-dollar brand from one viral video

4. Boosting your sales

The exposure gained from video marketing can be channelled into a sales funnel to increase conversion rates. Do not undermine the power of videos in the buyer’s journey. It plays a vital role in the buyer’s decision-making process. Videos are said to increase purchase decisions by 93 per cent and brand engagement by 139 per cent.
Statistics show that eight out of ten people make a purchase after watching a product video. Lead generation can also increase based on the quality of your video content. There are a lot of different kinds of video you can use for website, blog, email, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Netflix and other Social Media platforms. You can creating product demos, customer reviews, vlogs, promotional and how-to videos, and upload them on distribution channels like your official social media handles, website, and email broadcast list, just to mention a few.
Also there is another sweet side effect, the average internet user spends approximately 88 per cent extra time on a webpage with videos (if they are in their interest) which will improve the engagement on your website.
This means users will stay on your website longer than expected if there is a video to keep them engaged. You can capitalise on this traffic to generate leads and subsequently boost sales on your website.

5. Google loves Videos

Like just mentioned Google loves video in terms of ranking. A single video on your landing page can increase the chance of a page „1“ Google listing by 53%. As people stay longer on your website, because they watch your video, which is also described as the ‘stickiness’ factor, Google will rank your page in the future high, to your favor. A good tip is to also upload your transcript of your video on your website, as it’s packed with keywords. This allows Google to index the transcript, picking out keywords and boosting those links back to your page. This allows Google to see that your video content is naturally relevant to your site, which is enough to boost it up the rankings for SEO.

6. Your can explain nearly everything through video

Video is by far one of the easiest way to explain to other people how something is working and can easily make complex topics super simple to understand. Explain how your product is working, how versatile it is, some hacks, how it’s build or anything else you can think of. Don’t be afraid to ask what you customers want to see from you. People will love it and will recognize you. Maybe this is your chance to for a piece of viral content?

7. Video in Email Campaigns

Video can improve open and click-through rates by up to 300% — making it the perfect addition to your marketing emails. Like mentioned, it gives you a chance of breaking through your audience.

8. Videos are perfect for the mobile market.

It shouldn’t surprise you that advertising continues to gain ground through mobile. If that does surprise you, I have to assume that you’re reading this article by accident or you’ve time-traveled here from 10 years ago. Smartphone users are more likely to watch ads and branded content, and they’re more likely to talk about it. Video ads are ideal; they’re quick, cool, and easy to watch in a sitting, potentially with others.

9. Video Marketing has a excellent ROI

52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI
With all the reasons we told you should at this point realized that video definitely has a great return of investment.
If you think about it, anybody can hop on their computer or their phone to make a video and connect with their audience but keep in mind this kind of videos isn’t working for everything I mentioned and if you want really good results you should keep that part to a professional video company production like Amaa Media.

10. Video is comfortable

Our time is the most valuable thing we have. People nowadays just don’t have the time to read through some instructions they just want to watch a video which explains them what they want to know and which brings it to the point. Adapt to your audience when you want them to buy from you.

These video marketing statistics show the importance of video marketing for your business, both now and in the future.

Start Your Video With Amaa Media

Amaa Media March 6, 2022
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